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Circle of Friends - Fall 2006


The Front Row: Kurt Peterson, Steven Bogardus, Stephen Schwartz and his wife Carol, Donna McKechnie, Bebe Neuwirth and Harvey Evans. Also onstage: Nicole Barth, Steve and Denise Boockvor, Don Percassi, Peter Samuel, Kathy Conroy, Susan Danielle, Stephanie Eley, Mary Sue Finnerty, Gary Gendell and Olivia Greco, Penny Worth, Rebecca J. Harris, John and Kyo Mineo and Aren.

More Circle of Friends Photos

Dancers Over 40 celebrated their biggest event ever August 14th at Symphony Space in NYC. Hostess Bebe Neuwirth presided over a Who’s Who of Broadway’s best gypsies from the 50s, 60s, 70s and on…coming together to support the creativity and physical well being of veteran professional dancers in need. In five words or less – You Had To Be There.

Donna McKecknie, doing “Music and the Mirror” from A Chorus Line, Kurt Peterson and Harvey Evans performing Bosom Buddies from“Mame,” Stephen Schwartz accompanying singer Steven Bogardus on“Corner of the Sky” from Pippin; and then singing “For Good” from his own big hit, Wicked. Ladies of the Chorus doing “Big Spender” from Sweet Charity and John Mineo and his son, Aren performing a special tap dance.

A Circle of Friends gathered to honor and to assist dancer Kathryn Hull, who is now living in the Actors’ Home in New Jersey. Her former husband, John Mineo, flew in from Japan to help organize the event with dancers Denise (Pence) and Steve Boockvor. It was a seamless evening of entertainment, bringing together old friends and acquaintances, much in the same manner as DO40’s Phil Black Tribute did in June.

Donna McKechnie performing
“Music and the Mirror” from A Chorus Line.”


Denise Pence and Don Percassi
performing “Sing!” from A Chorus Line.
(Al and Kristine were modeled after
Denise and her husband Steve Boockvor.)


Carol Schwartz and the “boys”
doing “Time for Living” from Pippin.
(Steve Boockvor, Don Percassi, Kurt Peterson,
Harvey Evans and Gary Gendell)


Stephen Schwartz on piano, with Steven
singing “Corner of the Sky” from Pippin.


The Ladies of the Chorus performing
“Big Spender” from Sweet Charity.


More Circle of Friends Photos

Dancers Over 40 out in
Full Force at
Donna McKechnie Book Signing

Donna and Friends WOW Audience
at Barnes & Noble Book Signing

Donna McKecknie

Another opening, another show - but no, it wasn't really a show - but what a production! Donna McKechnie and her many wonderful friends wowed the SRO crowd at Barnes and Noble Lincoln Center for what was ostensibly a book singing for Donna's autobiography, Time Steps: My Musical Comedy Life, published by Simon and Schuster.

The DO40 Crowd makes a splash at the event;
l to r, Ken Urmston, President John Sefakis,
VP Ronnie Stratton, Treasurer Kathy Seng
Gurland and Board Member George Marcy.

Donna not only read from her book, but invited her friends to join her in song throughout the reading. Harvey Evans and Kurt Peterson sang from Follies, Angel Desai, Marta in the new revival of Company sang "Another Hundred People," and Priscilla Lopez, along with Harvey, Kurt and Donna, sang.what else? "What I did for Love." When is the last time you saw a standing ovation at a BOOK SIGNING?!?

”Curtain Call” for the “Cast” of the
Donna McKechnie Book Signing!
(l ro r) Harvey Evans, Priscilla Lopez,
Donna McKechnie and Kurt Peterson.
The event was directed by ACL
alum Thommie Walsh.

Also seen there, DO40 members Evalin Goodman, Felicia Velasco, Nicole Barth, Ron Young, Paul Berne, all enjoying the performances - and food catered by Dancers over 40!

John Sefakis and Donna McKechnie

There were so many people at the event that Barnes and Noble had to put television monitors outside the event room for those not lucky enough to arrive two hours early!

The cast singing "What I Did for Love"

Also in the audience, Bill Hastings and Terri Klausner, Wayne Cilento, Justin Ross, Thommie Walsh, Trish Garland and many, many gypsies from the 70’s and beyond – all of whom should become members of DO40!

Above book signing pictures
taken by Ben Strothmann.
for more information.


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